
Commission Research Request

Please complete the following information for your commission research request. Prior to submitting your commission research request, please verify the following:

  1. The applicable reservation worksheet was submitted within 48 hours of payment being applied and prior to travel.
  2. Travel has already occured and is not occuring the month that you are submitting the commission research request.
  3. For cruise groups, please wait at least 45 days after travel before submitting a commission worksheet.
  4. For car rentals, hotel reservations and cruise and tour excursions, please wait at least 90 days after travel before submitting a commission worksheet.

    Commission research requests that do not follow the guidelines above may not be processed.  We will respond within 72 hours to commission inquiries that meet the criteria above. Thank you for your continued support!
Agent ID Number  *
Email  *
Primary Agent Name  *
Passenger Name(s)  *
Travel Type
Booking Source
Travel Date  *
Booking/Confirmation # or Expedia Itinerary #  *
Invoice #
Date Worksheet Submitted
Supplier Name  *
Hotel Name, if Applicable
Hotel Address, if Applicable
Total Amount  *
Commission Amount or Percentage
Original Booking Form Submitted Via
To receive a copy of this research request enter your email address here.  *
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